G.K. Chesterton once said that “Education is not a subject, and it does not deal in subjects. It is instead the transfer of a...
Published Articles
The following articles are taken from the Excelsior, a quarterly WCA publication highlighting the building blocks of a Classical Christian Education and its results.
Humanities: The Equipping of Hearts
I would like to offer you a peek into the Humanities classroom. The detective in Umberto Eco’s mystery novel, The Name of the...
Math, Science & Christ: How do they Mesh?
How do we approach math and science from a Christian worldview? There are two primary reasons to explore the disciplines of...
The Perils of the Man Made in The Two Towers
In the novel The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien, Treebeard claims that “Saruman has a mind of metal and wheels, and he does not...
Shall We Divide or Multiply?
“If I have two pizzas, each cut into eight slices, and there are six hungry fourth graders, how many slices would each one get?”...
Why Would a Software Engineer Choose a Classical Christian School?
Many of my colleagues—most of whom are engineers—are surprised to learn that Sarah and I send our children to a school that...
Why Classical Christian Education? Bringing Order Out of Chaos
C.S. Lewis eloquently summarizes my love for great literature in his book An Experiment in Criticism, “The best safeguard...
A Priority of Play
Here is a quiz for you. Just how much time at school do you think your young child should spend in outdoor free play? Twenty...
Why Do We Teach Latin?
Each day at WCA, we are about the business of educating and preparing leaders to impact the world for Christ. Offering students...
Why Do We Teach Logic?
Each day at WCA, we strive to educate and prepare leaders to impact the world for Christ. Offering students God’s truth and...
Five Things to Know Before Your Child Starts School
In a recent presentation I made to young moms, the question was asked, “What do you wish all parents knew before their child...
Worship While You Work
“You are serving the Lord Christ.” Colossians 3:24 The Classical and Christian pedagogy of teaching is most certainly...