Course Dates
September 2024
Wisdom in Technology
October/November 2024
Classical Christian Education & WCA
January-March 2025
Shepherding a Child’s Heart
April/May 2025
Biblical Worldview
Classical Christian education is unique. It is far more than injecting prayer, Bible memory, and Bible as a “class” into the curriculum. Because this way of educating is so unique and requires engagement from you, the parent, Classical Parent University (CPU) exists to take you, the parents, to school! That’s right! We are commending each and every WCA parent to participate in the following four courses to earn your very own CPU degree.
1. Classical Christian Education and WCA
2. Shepherding a Child’s Heart
3. Wisdom in Technology
4. Biblical Worldview
We are excited for our parent body to engage with one another in discovering a deeper understanding of what happens within the walls of WCA and how we can best partner together!
Mission of Classical Parent University (CPU)
exists to train the parents of Westside Christian Academy to be classically minded, active, and knowledgeable participants in the education of their children. Having this understanding and supporting the intentions behind why we do what we do at Westside Christian Academy will both strengthen the partnership between the school and the family as well develop in our parents an increasing motivation to support their child’s classical Christian education.
Courses Descriptions

Classical Christian Education and WCA
Classical Christian education is an educational category that is based in the tradition of the trivium and works with the age and development of the child through the grammar (K-6), logic (grade 7-8) and rhetoric (grades 9-12) stages to develop in them the ability to think rightly and create a masterful command of spoken and written language. Together, we will explore how this fleshes out at WCA in the great literature that is studied through original sources while cultivating rightly ordered affections and building the students’ learning within a biblical framework.
If your interest is peaked in Classical Christian Education, visit www.classicalchristian.org for more information.

Shepherding a Child’s Heart
How do we get to the heart of our child? At WCA, we desire to come alongside the parent(s) and assist in drawing out the matters of the heart. The things our children do and say come from the heart. Luke 6:45 puts it this way: “…out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.”
So, HOW do we get there? What methods are used? How do teachers partner with parents to accomplish this? What is expected of our children behaviorally at school? Together we will answer these questions, visit www.classicalchristian.org for more information.

Wisdom in Technology
Our days are inundated with media. What we read, what we listen to, what we watch. At WCA, we are attentive to both the benefits and dangers of technology and are intentional about how and when technology is used in regard to learning. We will tackle WCA’s stand, how tech is and is not used in the classroom, the impact of technology on development, and some good guidelines for home use.
To whet your appetite, read The Tech-Wise Family, by Andy Crouch.

Biblical Worldview
A worldview is the framework from which we view reality and make sense of life and the world. Whether conscious or subconscious, every person has some type of worldview. Worldview is formed in a child by the age of twelve. A personal worldview is a combination of all one believes to be true, and what the individual believes becomes the driving force behind every emotion, decision and action, affecting one’s response to every area of life.
A biblical (or Christian) worldview is based on the infallible Word of God, enabling the individual to view culture, beliefs, circumstances, morality, all of life through the lens of the Word of God. At WCA, teachers begin to develop this biblical worldview through the very first catechism: “Why did God make me? To glorify Him and enjoy Him forever.” Together, we will discover why this is such a vital aspect of what we do at WCA in developing young minds to think rightly.
Heather Croft, CPU Coordinator
articles on classical christian education
Directing Affections to Beauty
The topic of my talk at the Association of Classical Christian Schools’ Repairing the Ruins national conference in June was...
Life Looking Forward
What do you want your life to look like? Where do you see yourself ten years from now? These are questions that seniors...
Let Him Lead
Throughout our Upper School careers, we studied many texts that traced the theme of longing for the pastoral life. In The...