cpu references

Classical Christian Education and WCA
Glossary of Terms–Small Glossary of Education Vocabulary
Article on STEM by Christopher Perrin
Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning by Doug Wilson
“It is not possible for education to be nonreligious, deliberately excluding the basic questions about life. All education builds on the foundation of someone’s worldview. Education deals with fundamental questions that require religious answers. Learning to read and write is simply the process of acquiring the tools to ask and answer such questions.”
The Case for Classical Christian Education by Doug Wilson
“Both homeschooling parents and Christians seeking to build schools will find a lot of guidance from this book. Wilson explains the benefits of an education that is both distinctively classical and distinctively Christian, and explains what such an education might look like. He also draws on years of educating and pastoring to talk about how parents and teachers can manage schools well and train their children’s hearts.
Education is not just preparing kids for the job market, but should be about instilling discipline, character, and love for God and the world He has made.”
Introduction to Classical Education by Dr. Christopher Perrin, MDiv, PhD
Print and free pdf version here
“An ideal introduction to classical education that traces the history of classical education and describes its modern renaissance. The booklet also highlights the distinctive elements of the movement, including its emphasis on teaching grammar, logic, and rhetoric (the trivium); the role and benefits of classical language study; and the extraordinary achievements of students who are receiving a classical education. This engaging and conversational booklet includes anecdotes, diagrams, and charts, and is especially recommended to parents just beginning their examination of classical education.”
No Parent Left Behind–Partnering with your school: A BaseCamp Live Podcast with Davies Owens
“Parents play a vital role in the success of their children in school. Increasingly, classical Christian schools (CCE) go against the grain of many schools who actively encourage parents to disengage and let them outsource their children’s education to the institution or even the government. But despite a growing culture expecting parents to drop and go, CCE schools stand in direct partnership with parents. Biblically, the school stands under the authority of the parent. But what does this mean practically? How do the home and school really collaborate?”
Answers to Classical Christian Education Questions
“Classical Christian Education is a new experience for many people, and whether you are new or have been around a classical school for years, there are many questions about why we do what we do. And since few parents or teachers today grew up in CCE schools, combined with the fact that there are more families than ever joining our schools, you are likely not alone if you have a question.”
What is a Christian Paideia: Paideia Conversations Podcast with Melissa Cummings
In Episode 1 of Paideia Conversations, join Melissa Cummings from Paideia Northwest in a conversation with Jenn Discher from Paideia Southeast discussing paideia. What does that mean? Who is it for? And how can we pursue a godly paideia in our homes? Using Douglas Wilson’s essay, The Paideia of God, as a springboard for this conversation, Melissa and Jenn open our upcoming ongoing conversations about the paideia of the Lord.

Shepherding a Child’s Heart
Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp
Shepherding a Child’s Heart is about how to speak to the heart of your child (Luke 6:45). Written for parents with children of any age, this insightful book provides perspectives and procedures for shepherding your child’s heart into the paths of life.
In this revised edition, Dr. Tedd Tripp draws on his thirty years experience as a pastor, counselor, school administrator, and father, and shares insights gained in many years of teaching this material in conferences worldwide.
Parenting by Paul David Tripp
In this life-giving book, Paul Tripp offers parents much more than a to-do list. Instead, he presents us with a big-picture view of God’s plan for us as parents. Outlining fourteen foundational principles centered on the gospel, he shows that we need more than the latest parenting strategy or list of techniques. Rather, we need the rescuing grace of God―grace that has the power to shape how we view everything we do as parents.
Freed from the burden of trying to manufacture life-change in our children’s hearts, we can embrace a grand perspective of parenting overflowing with vision, purpose, and joy.
Don’t Make Me Count to Three by Ginger Hubbard
Do you find yourself threatening, repeating your instructions, or raising your voice in an attempt to get your children to obey? Are you discouraged because it seems you just can t reach the heart of your child? Through personal experience and the practical application of Scripture, Ginger Hubbard encourages and equips moms to reach past the outward behavior of their children and dive deeply into the issues of the heart. Ginger’s candid approach will help moms move beyond the frustrations of not knowing how to handle issues of disobedience and into a confident, well-balanced approach to raising their children.
Age of Opportunity by Paul David Tripp
Paul Tripp uncovers the heart issues that affect parents and their teenage children during the often-chaotic adolescent years. With wit, wisdom, humility, and compassion, he shows parents how to seize the countless opportunities to deepen communication and learn and grow with their teens.
The Lost Art of Discipling Children: A BaseCamp Live Podcast with Davies Owens
And as parents partner with schools, the lack of consistency in discipline can make raising the next generation even more challenging. My guest today shares, as a grandparent, a Biblical view of discipline for younger children that he shared with his own children as they were seeking advice.
Foundations Podcast with Troy and Ruth Simons
Families are shaped one day at a time through the Word of God. The Foundations podcast helps you direct your family as you explore 12 key truths to connect your children’s hearts—and yours—to the heart of God.
Parenting as Discipleship A Family Life Today Podcast with Dave and Ann Wilson
Adam Griffin joins us to talk about a parent’s responsibility to love and disciple his or her children. This doesn’t mean setting a perfect example, but modeling repentance and forgiveness when we fail.
The Biggest Thing Christian Parents Forget
By Paul David Tripp
Parenting Young People
By Douglas Wilson
Spurgeon’s Secret for Raising Godly Children
By Spurgeon Center Staff

Wisdom in Technology
References coming soon

Biblical Worldview
Biblical Worldview by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
“There’s a battle raging for the hearts and minds of our children. A deep and lasting faith begins with a biblical worldview.
In this brief book you’ll discover what a biblical worldview is, why it matters, and how to establish this foundation in the life of a child. Filled with practical tools and ideas, Biblical Worldview will help you lead children to a lifelong faith in Jesus and a fruitful ministry serving him in the world. It’s a helpful resource for parents, grandparents, teachers and pastors – anyone that leads children in their spiritual development.”
Christian Worldview: A Student’s Guide by Philip Graham Ryken
Everything we think, say, and do reflects our worldview. Whether we realize it or not, basic beliefs about God, humanity, history, and the future inevitably shape how we live.
Philip Ryken, prolific author and president of Wheaton College, explains the distinguishing marks of the Christian worldview, helping us to engage thoughtfully with our increasingly pluralistic society. Based on the notion that ideas have consequences, this accessible resource will help you see life’s “big picture” by equipping you with a well-reasoned framework of Christian beliefs and convictions.
How Should We Then Live by Francis Schaeffer
Schaeffer’s brilliant analysis of Western civilization from ancient Rome to the Atomic Age examines the breakdown of modern society in philosophy, theology, the arts, and morals. The only viable alternative, he says, is living by the Christian ethic, acceptance of God’s revelation, and total affirmation of the Bible’s values and meaning. A timeless classic.
Mama Bear Apologetics by Hillary Morgan Ferrer
The problem with lies is they don’t often sound like lies. They seem harmless, and even sound right. So what’s a Mama Bear to do when her kids seem to be absorbing the culture’s lies uncritically?
Mama Bear Apologetics™ is the book you’ve been looking for. This mom-to-mom guide will equip you to teach your kids how to form their own biblical beliefs about what is true and what is false. Through transparent life stories and clear, practical applications – including prayer strategies – this band of Mama Bears offers you tools to train yourself, so you can turn around and train your kids.
Assumptions that Affect our Lives by Christian Overman
Alert your older students to the presuppositions that determine values, influence behavior, and shape culture with this thought-provoking survey. By examining society’s historic answers to five core worldview questions—regarding God, creation, humanity, moral order, and purpose—Overman offers a plan for change based on the Word of God. Worldview Matters Website
The Briefing by Dr. Albert Mohler
“A daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.”
Mama Bear Apologetics is a podcast for mothers of biological, adopted, or spiritual children who want to learn about how to defend the Christian faith, help give their children reasons for faith, and understand the worldviews that challenge Christian faith in the first place.
Megan Anthony, CPU Coordinator
articles on classical christian education
From Upper School Principal Caleb Sasser’s commencement address to the class of 2024. It is with great joy that I address...
Treasured Traditions
The students of the Westside Christian Academy class of 2024 celebrated the completion of their classical Christian education...
The Shepherd Teacher
I was thrilled to be invited back a second time to speak at the Association of Classical Christian Schools’ Repairing the Ruins...