WCA library grades K-6
USER NAME: westside
PASSWORD: christian
Our online catalog is for browsing. If you wish to reserve a book contact the librarian.
From the Librarian
The WCA library is designed to be a well-ordered environment that facilitates genuine learning. Our goal is to provide rich resources and instruction for the benefit of each student’s spiritual, intellectual, and emotional development. These resources, including books and other reference materials, will support the school’s dedication to a classical curriculum, as well as the cultivation of wisdom and virtue in each student as befitting a follower of Jesus Christ.
Westside Christian Academy has a written philosophy and policy regarding book selection. You may see the policy here. All materials are intentionally chosen to help students develop an appreciation for the best of classical literature and a love of reading. The library coordinator will also collaborate with classroom teachers to provide materials and teaching that reinforce curriculum objectives at each grade level. The collection will prepare students to become life-long learners with the ability to exercise discernment and understand literature in its appropriate context, while simultaneously seeking to honor age-appropriate innocence.
Lost a Book?
If a book is lost or damaged beyond fixing it must be paid for. The library will determine the replacement cost and let you know the amount. Send the payment to school marked Attention Library. Payment is refundable if a lost book is found and returned on or before the last day of the current school year.
WCA Birthday Book Club
The Westside Christian Academy grammar school library strives to provide WCA students with access to the best in children’s literature – books that will cultivate wisdom and virtue, and foster a lifelong love of reading. We are
always seeking to improve our collection, and you can partner with us by becoming a part of the WCA Birthday Book Club. The Birthday Book Club provides a way for parents, grandparents, or friends to donate a book to the WCA grammar school library in honor of a special child in their life.
If you are interested in donating a book to the library collection, please visit the link below. This will take you to WCA library’s Amazon wish list, where you will find numerous selections that we believe will be valuable additions to the library collection.
From here, you can select a Birthday Book for your child. Once you’ve chosen a book, please put the following information in the comments section – your child’s name, homeroom teacher, and who is donating this book in honor of your child (examples – His Family, Her Parents, etc.).
A bookplate with your child’s name will be placed on the inside cover of the book and they will be the first to have an opportunity to check that book out of the library. After they return the book to the library, the book becomes part of the WCA permanent library collection. Your child’s “Birthday Balloon” will be in the hallway outside the library, during the month of his or her birthday or half-birthday, along with a photo of the student holding the book which was donated.
Books may also be donated to honor your child’s teacher or a staff member for a birthday or holiday. Books can be donated for other special occasions, as well, such as to remember a classmate who is moving.
If you have any questions about the program, please contact Mrs. Wanchick (swanchick@westsideacademy.org or 440-331-1300). Thank you for helping to make our library a great place to learn and grow!