mission & philosophy

Westside Christian Academy seeks to aid children in their moral and academic development in order to be equipped to fulfill God’s purpose for their lives in the home, church, and society. WCA, as an extension of the home and of the church, exists to fulfill God’s commands to raise children “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” While we believe that the Bible clearly gives the responsibility of training children to parents, WCA is here to assist parents in fulfilling this biblical responsibility.

Included in our philosophy is the acknowledgment that the Bible is the infallible Word of God, and has authority to guide us in our pursuit of Truth and in the instruction of the children entrusted to us. WCA’s philosophy embodies the concept that education is more than just academics; it also involves character development which prepares children to fulfill God’s will in their lives.

Our vision arises from a desire to create an atmosphere where Christian teachers and administrators can challenge their students to develop an understanding of God’s hand in all of creation while striving for the highest level of academic achievement. We believe that we have a God-given responsibility to educate children in a way that integrates faith and learning. Through this integration, a Christian worldview is being instilled in our students, preparing them to impact the world for Jesus Christ.

WCA’s Statement of Faith

In accordance with the Mission of Westside Christian Academy, we hold the following Statement to be true and to be the foundation upon which the Christian Faith is practiced. We therefore request that all who wish to associate themselves with Westside Christian Academy accept and agree with the following statement:

1.  We believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God, without error in its original writings, the only complete and authoritative source of His will and His plan for the salvation of man, and of guidance for Christian life. (II Timothy 3:16, 17)

2.  We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Gen 1:1; John 10:30; John 10:37-38)

3.  We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin Birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His imminent return in power and glory. (Isa 7:14; Matt 1:23; Luke 1:35; Heb 4:15; Heb 7:25; John 2:11; Heb 9:12; Eph 1:7; Col 1:14; John 11:25; Acts 1:11; Rev 19:11-16)

4.  We believe that Man was created in the image of God, that he sinned and thereby incurred not only physical death, but also spiritual death, which is separation from God, and that all human beings are born with a sinful nature and are sinners in thought, word and deed. (John 3:5; Rom 5:8)

5.  We believe that the sinless life, sacrificial death and physical resurrection of Jesus Christ provide the only ground for justification and salvation for all who believe, and only those who receive Jesus Christ are born of the Holy Spirit and thus become children of God. (Titus 3: 4-7; Eph 2:8-9; Rom 3:21-28; Rom 5:8;Gal 4:4-7)

6.  We believe in the bodily resurrection of the dead, and that those who are saved through faith in Jesus Christ shall have eternal blessedness and joy with the Lord; those who have not believed in Jesus Christ through faith shall receive judgment and eternal damnation. (John 5:24; 28-29; Matt 25:46)

7.  We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ. (Rom 8:9; I Cor 12:12-13; Gal 3:26-28)

WCA interprets its Statement of Faith from the perspective of these six historic protestant confessions listed in our Constitution.  This heritage influences our instruction in Christian Doctrine.  a. The Westminster Confession of Faith (1646)  b. The London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689  c. The Augsburg Confession (1530)  d. The Three forms of Unity: The Belgic Confession (1561), Canons of Dort (1619), & Heidelberg Catechism (1563)  e. The Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion (1615)  f. The Savoy Declaration of Faith and Order (1658)

articles on classical christian education